

So your child finds

their voice

Communication is key

Almost everything we do involves speech, language and/or communication. Everyday tasks, learning, problem solving, having a conversation, applying for a job, making friends and having fun all rely on our ability to communicate.

At Active Speech Pathology, our job is to work with your child or young person to overcome their communication challenges. We do this by understanding their individual strengths and weaknesses. We then provide fun, personalised, evidence-based assessment and therapy solutions.

Speech Pathology Services in Brisbane

Individual Speech Therapy

Available at our Annerley clinic, we provide high-quality and engaging therapy to help your child talk, read and grow.

Workshops and Training

We partner with early childhood education centres, schools and parent groups. Our team presents individualised workshops and training on all things speech, language and literacy.

About Active Speech Pathology

Based in Annerley, Brisbane, our practice’s key areas are oral language and literacy. Our highly skilled and caring therapists support children and young people from 4 to 18 years with:

  • Receptive and expressive language difficulties including Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

  • Literacy difficulties (reading, writing, spelling)

  • Social skill (pragmatic) difficulties

Through evidence-based techniques, we provide quality, outcome driven therapy. We are dedicated to helping our clients overcome their communication challenges and achieve their goals.

paediatric speech pathologist brisbane

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Let’s work together

Booking your child into our speech therapy sessions can make all the difference.

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