Your speech pathology needs covered

speech therapy brisbane

Individual Speech Therapy

Active Speech Pathology provides speech pathology services for children 18 months to 18 years of age.

We assess speech, language, pragmatic and literacy strengths and difficulties using both formal and informal assessments. We also treat these areas using a range of evidence-based approaches and have plenty of fun!

We offer individual appointments at our clinic in Annerley, Brisbane. We also carry out therapy at local schools and online via Zoom.

speech pathology workshops

Workshops & Training

What good is keeping our expert knowledge confined to within the four walls of our therapy rooms? Given the opportunity, we love to share what we know about speech, language and literacy with groups big and small.

Active Speech Pathology provides workshops and training for daycares, schools, parent groups and community organisations at your preferred location.

Put simply, we will target a specific area of knowledge, dive in, share our insights and provide practical examples so that you can apply your learning straight away to make a difference. We’re delighted when we see a workshop participant gain the understanding and confidence to bring about positive change in the lives of children in their care.

Looking to make an appointment?

Our team is here to help.