Our social media feeds have been awash with pictures of happy (and some not so happy!) faces returning to school this week. It’s a significant transition, as a such, we can worry about how our children will cope academically and socially in the school environment. That’s particularly the case for parents of children who have speech, language or literacy needs.
With speaking and listening at the heart of learning (and socialising), many children with communication disorders can have trouble accessing the school curriculum due to their difficulties understanding language and expressing themselves. They may also struggle with reading and writing tasks.
Picture books are a really wonderful way to put your child’s mind at ease about the aspects of school they might be feeling anxious about. Books also give us opportunity to explore these topics, and start conversations using child-friendly language and pictures to support their understanding. Below are some of our favourite books:
Monsters Loves School – Mike Austin
I am Too Absolutely Small for School – Lauren Child
These books tell about characters who don’t know everything when they start school, but with persistence and practice, they can learn great things!
Bear’s Big Day – Salina Yoon
The Pout Pout Fish Goes to School – Deborah Diesen
Children with communication needs may be very aware of how they are different from their peers; and can become anxious about these differences. The following three books all take a slightly different approach to convey the all-important message that no one is perfect and everyone has their own unique qualities that make them very special.
Something to Say Series – Eden Molineux
Communication Device
All the Ways to be Smart – Davina Bell
We’re All Wonders – R J Palacio
All Are Welcome – Alexandra Penfold
Many of these books are available for free in print or e-book through the Brisbane City Council Library Services. Let us know if you have a book to add to our list!