It has been a (very, very, very) long time since my last blog post. Life (namely the first year of motherhood) made it tricky to maintain established routines, especially those related to work. Thoughts I had about blog posts were quickly replaced by thoughts of how to baby-proof a house with multiple sets of stairs! I’ve resolved to post more regularly in a bid to connect with families who find benefit in the work we do at Active Speech Pathology.

2020 has been A YEAR. Cara Crowley joined the team in March, a few short weeks prior to COVID-19 turning our work on its head. Learning opportunities abounded as we launched telehealth services through Zoom. I am frankly amazed by the fortitude shown by families who ‘joined meetings’ while balancing school at home and work commitments amongst so much else.

Having returned to clinic and school-based sessions, there is some semblance of normal, albeit with heightened awareness of social distancing and very frequent hand washing!

I am looking forward to the upcoming winter school holiday break and will be scaling back sessions over this period.

If you would like to get in touch to arrange for an assessment or therapy appointments for Term 3, now is a good time. Call 3103 0776 or email us at